Università degli Studi di Trieste - Dipartimento di Fisica
Corso di Laurea Magistrale Interateneo in Fisica
Percorso formativo di Astrofisica e Cosmologia

Planets and Astrobiology

Prof. Giovanni Vladilo (INAF-OATs)
Academic Year 2018-2019

Solar System
Overview  -  Dynamics  -  Earth interior  -  Rocky planets interiors
Rocky planets volatiles  -  Rocky planets energy budget  -  Minor bodies (inner Solar System)
Giant planets  -  Satellites (outer Solar System)  -  Minor bodies (outer Solar System)

Introduction  - Direct imaging  - Doppler method  -  Timing & Astrometric methods  -  Microlensing & Transit methods
Statistical properties  -  Architecture of planetary systems  -  Host stars  -  Characterization  -  Atmospheres

Planetary formation
Star formation  - Protoplanetary disks
Observational constraints on planetary formation  -  Models of planetary formation

Interstellar medium and astrochemistry
The interstellar medium  -  Astrochemistry 1  -  Astrochemistry 2

Terrestrial life: properties & definition  -  Thermodynamical and chemical properties
Carbon, water, and possible alternatives  -  Biomolecules
Genetic code - Cells - Xenobiology  -  Extremophiles & physico-chemical limits of life
Habitability requirements  -  Planetary climate & habitability
Chronology of the origin of life  -  Prebiotic chemistry
RNA world and protocells  -  Life evolution
Astrobiology in the inner Solar System  -  Astrobiology in the outer Solar System
Habitable exoplanets  -  Atmospheric biosignatures and life in the Galaxy