In each flux file (except for the flux_reference_spectrum): 
              col.3=wavelength in nm
              col.4=frequency nu (s^-1)
              col.5=Hnu (erg/cm^2/s/Hz/ster)
              col.6=Hcont (erg/cm^2/s/Hz/ster)
Hnu is Eddington flux
Flambda=4*Hnu*c/wavelength^2  c=light velocity     

SOLAR ABUNDANCES FROM Asplund, Grevesse & Sauval, 2005, ASP Conference Series, Vol. XXX

ap00t5777g44377k1asp.asc-ATLAS9 solar model (new ODFs, nover)

fp00t5777g44377k1asp.asc-ATLAS9 solar flux   (new ODFs, nover)

ap00t5615g4534k1asp.asc-ATLAS9 solar model for the young Sun (new ODFs, nover)

fp00t5615g4534k1asp.asc-ATLAS9 solar flux for the young Sun (new ODFs, nover)

ap00t5680g4546k1asp.asc-ATLAS9 solar model for the young Sun (new ODFs, nover)

fp00t5680g4546k1asp.asc-ATLAS9 solar flux for the young Sun (new ODFs, nover)

SOLAR ABUNDANCES FROM Grevesse & Sauval, 1998, Space Sci. Rev., 85, 161

a) NEW ODF's

asunodfnew.dat-ATLAS9 solar model (new ODFs, nover)

fsunodfnew.dat-ATLAS9 solar flux from ASUNODFNEW.DAT 

b) OLD ODF's

asunnover.dat-ATLAS9 solar model with old ODFs and no-overshooting 

fsunnover.dat-ATLAS9 solar flux from ASUNNOVER.DAT 

c)  Holweger-Muller model in ATLAS9 format,  meteoritic abundances (Cowley& Castelli, 2002, A&A 387, 595), 


Solar reference spectrum (Colina, Bohlin, Castelli, AJ 112, 307 (1996)
