PAPER on ODFs This example shows how to compute an opacity distribution function (ODF) for [M/H]=0.0 and vturb=2 km/s. The procedure requires 4 codes: xnfdf.for dfsynthe.for dfsortp.for separatedf.for and a set of REPACKED line lists: lowlinesdf.bin---repacked version of the binary file "lowlines.bin". It is available at: For LINUX, THE NAME is: "fclowlines.bin" highlinesdf.bin--repacked version of the binary file "highlines.bin". It is available at: For LINUX, THE NAME is: "fchighlines.bin" diatomicsdf.bin---repacked version of the binary file: diatomicsiwl.bin tiolinesdf.bin---repacked version of the binary file "tioschwenke.bin" available at: h2olinesdf.bin---repacked version of the binary file "h2ofastfix.bin" available at: nltelinesdf.bin---repacked version of the ascii file "nltelines.asc" available at: To get repacked lines: repacklow.for repackhi.for repackdi.for repacktio.for repackh2o.for repacknle.for The XNFDF code It pretabulates the atomic and molecular number densities and continuum opacities for 57 temperatures T and 25 Pgas values. To compile it: ifort -save -o xnfdf.exe xnfdf.for To run it: source Input data are: molecules.dat pfiron.dat continua.dat Furthermore, there is a set of input control cards. They fix: 1) the values of temperature and the gas pressure for which the ODF's will be tabulated 2) the abundances for which ODF's will be computed Output data are the two binary files: xnfpdf.dat xnfpdfmax.dat The DFSYNTHE code It computes ODF's for the atomic and molecular number densities xnfpdf.dat produced by the XNFDF code and for the 5 microturbulent velocities 0,1,2,4, and 8 km/s. To compile it: ifort -save -o dfsynthe.exe dfsynthe.for To run it:(the example is for [M/H]=0.0] source In there are 57 runs of DFSYNTHE, one for each temperature T. Input data are for EACH RUN are: xnfpdf.dat ---> the output from the XNFPDF code xnfpdfmax.dat ---> the ouput from the XNFDF code lowlinesdf.bin --->the output from the REPACKLOW code highlinesdf.bin --->the output from the REPACKHI code diatomicsdf.bin ---> the output from the REPACKDI code tiolinesdf.bin ---> the output frem the REPACKTIO code h2olinesdf.bin ---> the output from the REPACKH2O code nltelinesdf.bin ---> the output from the REPACKNLTE code A set of 57 switches corresponding to the 57 temperatures of the ODF table. All the switches are zero, except that of the temperature for the specific run, which is 1. Otput data from EACH RUN are 5 files for 5 different microturbulent velocities vturb: dfp00t-xxxx-vt0.bin dfp00t-xxxx-vt1.bin dfp00t-xxxx-vt2.bin dfp00t-xxxx-vt4.bin dfp00t-xxxx-vt4.bin where -xxxx- is the temperature for the specific run. Each file is an ODFxxxx table for the given temperature -xxxx-, a given microturbulent velocity, and 25 different Pgas. Output data from are 57 X 5 ODFxxxx tables, one for each temperature and microturbulent velocity. The DFSORTP code For each vturb, it rearranges each of the 57 ODFxxxx tables, which are the output from DFSYNTHE. Each table is converted from 1540 X 25 ODFxxxx values (where 1540 are frequency points and 25 are the Pgas values) in 25 X 1540 ODFxxxx values. Namely, 1540 ODFxxxx for each Pgas are rearranged in 25 ODFxxxx for each frequency. To compile it: ifort -o dfsortp.exe dfsortp.for To run it: source for vturb= 0 km/s source for vturb= 1 km/s source for vturb= 2 km/s source for vturb= 4 km/s source for vturb= 8 km/s For each vturb: Input data are the 57 ODFxxxx tables computed by DFSYNTHE. Output data are 57 rearranged ODFyyyy in ascii format. The SEPARATEDF code For a given vturb, it merges the 57 ODFyyyy tables in a single ODF table. It then separates the BIG intervals ODFs from the LITTLE intervals ODFs. To compile it: ifort -o separatedf.exe separatedf.for To run it: source for vturb= 2.0 km/s The input is the output from DFSORTP for vturb=2 km/seec The output are the binary files: p00big2.bdf p00lit2.bdf