The spectrum of HD 71066 (HR 3302, k^2 Vol)

paper (A&A 2011, Yuce, K., Castelli, F., Hubrig, S.)

plot of the UVES spectrum

plot of the ESO-CAT-RETICON spectrum: 6145-6190 A

Emission Lines


 HgMn star 

Parameters from: 
1) c,beta
2) Fe I- Fe II ionization equilibrium
3) Fe II low and high excitation lines

Teff=12000 K, logg=4.10; vturb=0.0 km/s, vsini=1.5 km/s--ATLAS12

Abundances used to compute the synthetic spectrum; values in parenthesis were not used.

                      He I      -2.28            [-1.05]
                      Be II    -10.79            [-0.15]
                      C II      -3.90            [-0.38]
                      N I     ≤ -5.50          ≤ [-1.38]
                      O I       -3.61± 0.05      [-0.40]
                      Ne I    ≤ -4.70          ≤ [-0.74]
                      Na I      -5.51± 0.08      [+0.20]
                     (Mg I      -5.32± 0.05      [-0.86])
                      Mg II     -5.40            [-0.94]
                      Al I    ≤ -7.30          ≤ [-1.73]
                      Al II   ≤ -7.30          ≤ [-1.73]
                      Si II     -4.61± 0.19      [-0.12]
                      P II      -5.06± 0.13      [+1.53]
                     (P III     -5.13            [+1.46])
                      S II      -5.77± 0.11      [-1.06] 
                      Ca II     -6.50± 0.21      [-0.82]
                      Sc II   ≤ -10.50         ≤ [-1.63] 
                      Ti II     -6.45± 0.06      [+0.57]
                      V II    ≤ -10.00         ≤ [-1.96]
                      Cr II     -6.17± 0.06      [+0.20]
                      Mn II     -5.95± 0.04      [+0.70]
                      Fe I      -3.85± 0.06      [+0.69]
                      Fe II     -3.85± 0.13      [+0.69]
                      Co II   ≤ -7.88          ≤ [-0.76]
                      Ni II   ≤ -7.90          ≤ [-2.11] 
                      Cu II   ≤ -7.83          ≤ [ 0.00]
                      Zn II   ≤ -7.94          ≤ [-0.50]
                      As II     -6.3:            [+3.37]:  
                      Sr II     -8.27            [+0.80] 
                      Y  II     -7.57± 0.08      [+2.23]
                      Xe II     -5.43± 0.16      [+4.44]
                      Nd III    -9.63± 0.01      [+0.91]
                      Dy III    -9.90            [+1.00]
                      Au II     -7.12± 0.03      [+3.91]
                      Hg I      -6.40            [+4.51]    
                      Hg II     -6.40            [+4.51]  isotopic composition:
                                                          0.5% 196,198,199,200,201
                                                          2.5% 202
                                                         95.0% 204