The UVES spectrum of HD 124740

plot of the spectrum

 Hg-Mn star, SB2 

Parameters of the primary A:  Teff=10750K, logg=3.60; vturb=0.0 km/s, vsini=0.0 km/s
Parameters of the secondary B:  Teff=8500K, logg=4.00; vturb=0.0 km/s, vsini=8.0 km/s


All the above parameters were adjusted to fit the line spectrum. 

The spectrum of the B star can be seen blueward of the spectrum of the A star.
lambda(B)-lambda(A)=-0.16 A at 3933 A  (DVd=-12.5 km/s)


PRIMARY: Teff=10750K, logg=3.60, vturb=0.0 km/s, vsini=0.0 km/sec
No solar abundances:  N       -5.12   [-1.00]
                      O       -4.21   [-1.00]
                      Mg      -4.66   [-0.20]
                      Al      -6.17   [-0.60]
                      P       -5.19   [+1.40]
                      Sc      -9.07   [-0.20]
                      Ti      -6.72   [+0.30]
                      V       -9.04   [-1.00]
                      Cr      -6.07   [+0.30]                    
                      Mn      -5.40   [+1.25]
                      Fe      -4.34   [+0.20]
                      Y       -7.80   [+2.00]
                      Zr      -8.44   [+1.00]
                      Hg (80) -5.40   [+5.51] 

Ca -5.68 [0.00]--Ca II infrared triplet: no shift, asymmetric profiles (red component ?)

SECONDARY: Teff=8500K, logg=4.00, vturb=0.0 km/sec, vsini=8.0 km/s
No solar abundances:  Al      -4.57   [+1.00]
                      Ti      -6.52   [+0.50]
                      Fe      -3.54   [+1.00]
                      La      -7.87   [+3.00]

The Ca II infrared triplet as indicator of anomalous Ca isotopic mixture 
in HgMn stars--- Castelli, F., Hubrig, S., 2004, A&A 421,L1-L4